Fiona welcomed 68 members. Whilst members got stuck into a very enjoyable evening creating some lovely Christmas themed crafts and floral arrangements, various notices etc., were read out.
Surrey Federation of WI’s website: Fiona encouraged members to look at the new website and suggested, whilst browsing, to have a look at the various courses available to members
NFWI AGM: Lesley informed us that this will take place on Thursday, 4th June at the Royal Albert Hall. She will let us know in due course when we can apply for tickets.
Salvation Army: Lesley has been in touch with the Salvation Army and it was suggested that at the November meeting members bring in gifts (unwrapped) for children particularly between the ages of 9-13 for Christmas. The suggested price to spend on gifts is between £5 and £10 but vouchers would also be really appreciated as mothers/carers can then actually buy the present their child wants. Should anyone be replacing their washing machine, the Salvation Army are in need of one.
Pampering Evening: We have been informed by the London WI Advisors that there will be a Pampering Evening at House of Elemis, Tuesday 19 November, 6pm-9pm, £15. Fulham & Chelsea have organised a pre-party season pampering evening just for members at the House of Elemis where you can learn how to look after your skin during the winter months and get a complimentary 15 minute treatment (e.g. hand massage, arm massage, mini Glow facial). You will also have a free glass of Nyetimber sparkling wine and canapés, as well as discounts in the shop (20% off products, 10% off gift sets) and £30 off if you book your next treatment that night. Each member will also get a free goody bag. If you’d like to book a place at this event for £15 (usually valued at £60), please call Elemis on 020 7907 2780 and tell them you’d like to book your place on the Fulham and Chelsea WI evening
Members’ Notices:
Walk – Friday 22nd November 10.30am – The City of London Liveries. Liz will lead a walk through the western side of the City taking in many of the Livery Companies along the way. The walk is approximately 5 miles long. Meet at Blackfriars Tube/Rail Station entrance at 10.30am. There are several places in the area to eat at the end of the walk. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the November meeting.
Fiona told us that the Sutton Amateur Dramatic Club’s next production is “We Happy Few” at the Adrian Mann Theatre, Epsom from 13th to 16th November at 7.45. To book tickets please visit
Gill informed us that her husband, Stewart Wilde, has written a book entitled “Sparkling Wine: Vineyards of England and Wales”. The book costs £12.95. She has a few copies and it can also be bought on Amazon.
We have been notified by Sheena about the “Commit to Knit” campaign which asks people to knit hats for the homeless. If you would like to participate please visit for further details. h
Jigsaw4u: Sheila welcomed Stephen Loizou, Managing Director of Jigsaw4u and our chosen charity for 2019. She presented Stephen with a cheque for £1,353.21. He was very appreciative and thanked all the members and said our donation will go towards helping some of the many children, young people and their families who have been affected by significant social and emotional issues and bereavement. Click on this link to view Jigsaw4u’s 2019 Annual Report
Charity for 2020: Fiona thanked Sheila for all her hard work sourcing local charities. Members were asked to vote on the following nominated charities:
stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them including their families and carers, education professionals, as well as school nurses and GPs through the provision of mental health education, resilience strategies and early intervention. This is primarily provided digitally through innovative education programmes, pioneering mental health apps, clinically-informed website and mental health conferences that contribute to helping young people and those around them flourish.
Merton Centre for Independent Living (also known as Merton CIL) are a user led disabled people’s organisation. They are an organisation run and controlled by Deaf and Disabled People, delivering free services for Deaf and Disabled People who live in Merton. They provide advice and advocacy support around benefits, community care and Disability Hate Crime.
Lantern Arts Centre is a venue for the community of Raynes Park and beyond, where people of all ages and abilities can learn and develop performance arts skills.
The Lantern Arts Centre offers a wide range of classes, activities and productions for the community to take part in.
The result of the voting for the 3 charities was:
Stem 4 30
Lantern Arts Centre 20
Merton Centre for Independent Living 15
Book Sale and Craft Evening: A very successful evening all round. Thank you to members who brought in books to be sold and jigsaws. The book sale had a good result making £74 for our funds and everyone appeared to enjoy the various craft activities and socialising. If members would like templates of the boxes or instructions for the needlepoint candle or Christmas tree, please let Dulcie know.
Social Events: There are still spaces available for the wonderful light extravaganza at Syon Park Enchanted Woodland at 6.20pm on Saturday 30th November (£12.80). As usual please let Gillian know as soon as possible if you would like a place.
November Meeting: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NOVEMBER MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE CANTEEN AT THE URSULINE SCHOOL when we will be having the AGM and the re-election of committee members. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining the committee. Anyone can join – no experience needed. So if you have the time, we would love to hear from you.
Remembrance Sunday: Once again, we will be laying a joint wreath with SW19 WI on Sunday, 10th November, at Wimbledon Memorial in Wimbledon Village. It would be lovely if you could join us. We will meet at 10.00 at Belvedere Grove, Wimbledon Village when we will process with other community groups.
Wimbledon Crafty Ladies: The next Crafty Ladies meeting will be held on Friday 1st November in the upper restaurant at Ely’s Department Store in Wimbledon from 2.30pm to approximately 5pm. Members are welcome to come to every meeting or just to attend now and again.