Fiona welcomed 69 members and 3 guests. Before the main event of the evening the following notices were mentioned.
Fiona said that one of the things mentioned in the NFWI bulletin is how to be alert and aware of Scams as these can come in many forms. Uninvited contact can be received by email, letter, telephone or in person making false promises to con victims out of money. The criminals attempt to trick people with flashy, official looking documents or websites, or convincing telephone sales patter, with the aim of persuading them to send a processing or administration fee, pay postal or insurance costs or make a premium rate phone call. Doorstep Scams are crimes carried out by bogus callers, rogue traders and unscrupulous sales people who call, often uninvited, at people’s home under the guise of legitimate business or trades. For more information see
Fiona was pleased to inform us that Angie Leach (Streatham WI) and Toto James (Fulham & Chelsea WI) have taken over from Jill Elliot as WI Advisers for the Surrey/London area which is good news for London WI’s. Not only are they geographically much closer but, hopefully, there will now be more London based events etc. Angie has already informed us that there are still places on the Surrey Denman weekend (13th-16th July). Please contact Dulcie for more information if you are interested.
We have been approached by Jenny Harwood of Jigsaw4u who are looking for volunteers to befriend and assist vulnerable 10 or 11 year olds in Year 6. Jigsaw4U will offer extensive training in how to help the children and ongoing support and supervision for the whole year. For further information phone 0208 687 1384 or see website
Lys mentioned that members will have seen the NFWI Board Elections 2017 listed in WI Life Magazine and that we will be voting for them as usual on behalf of the group.
Eileen thanked everyone for donating their haberdashery bits to be given to the newly set up WI’s in local prisons. She has been informed by the Surrey Contact, who she will be meeting on Thursday to hand over the collection, that doing crafts has a big impact on the women’s wellbeing and self–esteem.
Eileen also mentioned that there will be another assignment of teddies, jumpers etc going to Kenya in April along with “goody bags” that have been put together for new mums which include amongst other things a teddy and jumper. So more teddies, jumpers and hats would be appreciated and in particular bootees (patterns for these can be found on our website).
Also it is hoped that the Craft Group will be holding another Craft Saturday or evening. So if there is anything you have a burning desire to try, please let one of the Craft Group know.
Lesley mentioned that she has had an odd request – Have members any old bras and pants in reasonable condition that can be donated to a worthy organisation in Africa. Many ladies in South Africa and other countries do not own any underwear which makes them vulnerable and by us giving them our unwanted underwear helps their self-esteem. So go through your “knicker drawer” and bring any unwanted bras and pants to our next meeting.
Fiona said that our biggest fund raiser of the year is Wimbledon Village Fair, that we will be having our usual cake and preserves stall and that it is not too early to start thinking of making jams etc – particularly marmalade as it is that time of year!!!! Veronica has very kindly offered to oversee it all again.
Subs were due last month and are now overdue so if you intend renewing your membership and haven’t done so, please send your payment to Wendy as soon as possible (£39 full membership £19 dual membership – cheques made payable to Wimbledon WI).
Fiona reminded us about our chosen charity event on Saturday 25th March when we will be having a quiz evening in aid of St. Raphael’s Hospice. Tickets are going well but there are still places. Tickets cost £12.50 which include a ploughman’s supper and will be held at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Merton Park. Please contact Gillian for tickets.
Fiona mentioned that selling theatre tickets have proved very difficult and several shows have had to be cancelled due to lack of interest. If we are to continue applying for cheaper tickets we need more commitment and perhaps some suggestions from members what they may like to see.
After all the notices were over we had a very lively evening with Liz and John Scholey who got us barn dancing with the occasional line dance thrown in. Liz made an excellent caller and John accompanied her on his melodeon or harmonica. All in all a very enjoyable evening.
And as a last note a “thank you” from Wimbledon Foodbank for our continued support which they say makes a huge difference to supporting families in crisis. So thank you ladies.
Dates for your diary
Next Meeting Monday, 20th March – Fine Cell Work (Embroidery) Talk. Also bag and scarves sale so start sorting out any unwanted scarves and bags (proceeds to St. Raphael’s).
Rotherhithe Walk, Thursday, 6th July (£8)
Friends of St. Raphael’s Hospice are having a Music Quiz Night, Wednesday, 19th April (£5) see for further information.